
  • It is used to store string data of fix length.
  • It can store up to maximum 255 characters.
  • It stores character with right padding if data is less than its size.

Varchar / Varchar2:

  • These data type are used to store variable length of string data.
  • It can store up to 4000 characters.
  • The main different between char & Varchar/Varchar 2 is that it does not provide padding.


  • A date data type is used to store date & time.
  • It store the date in the format “DD/MM/YY”
  • The default time format is “12:00 AM”.
  • DateTime is stored in 24-hours
  • Valid date range is from 1-January, 4712 BC to 31-December 4712 AD


  • A number data type is used to store numeric values.
  • It can store negative as well as position values.
  • It can also be used to store number in scientific notation.
  • It allows precision level up to 38 digits.
  • We can also specify value in floating point number.


  • Long data type can be used to store large number of variable length string data.
  • It can store up to “2 GB” data.
  • It can also be use to store string array of binary data in ASCII format.


  • This data type can be used to store binary data   such as digitized picture or image.