- IN clause can be use for searching operation.
- It searches for the records with specific criteria.
- It displays those records that are matches with the values specified into the IN clause.
- It is an alternative for ‘=’ and ‘OR’ operator.
- The same result can be derived by using IN clause.
- We can also specify IN clause for negative searching by adding NOT keyword.
- When using NOT IN clause it will display those records that do not match with values specified in to the IN clause.
SELECT * FROM <table name> WHERE <expression> IN <val1, val2,…,val N>;
SELECT * FROM student WHERE city IN (‘Rajkot’, ’Bhavanagar’);
SELECT * FROM student WHERE city NOT IN (‘Ahemdabad’);
- The 1st command will display student records that are from Rajkot and Bhavnagar.
- The 2nd command will display student records except the city Ahemdabad.