- It is easy to create a new table from the existing table instead of specifying a new structure.
- It creates a new table with the column specified into the select query.
- It will also insert records from the existing table.
CREATE TABLE <table name> AS SELECT <column list> FROM <table name>;
CREATE TABLE stud AS SELECT std_no, std_name FROM student;
- It will create a new table stud with two columns std_no and std_name from the existing student table.
- Data type and size of the new table will be the same as of the existing table.
Inserting record from the existing table:
- Sometimes we need to insert similar records from the existing table.
- Oracle allows inserting records from existing table either from all columns or any specific column.
INSERT INTO <table name> VALUES(column list) SELECT<column list> FROM <table name>;
INSERT INTO stud VALUES(std_no, std_name) SELECT std_no, std_name FROM student;