• A group by clause is used to create groups based on the similar records.
  • It first sort records on the group by column and then creates different groups.
  • It creates a separate group for null records.
  • A group by clause comes after FROM clause.


SELECT <column_list>, [grouping function] FROM <table_name>
       [WHERE<condition>][ORDER BY<column_name>order]
       GROUP BY<column name>;


SELECT city, count (city) FROM student GROUP BY city ORDER BY city;
  • We must use at least one grouping function with the group by clause such as count, sum, max, min etc.
  • The above example will create groups base on similar city and display total no. of records within each group as follow.


City Count (std)
Ahmedabad 45
Bhavnagar 20
Rajkot 15
Surat 21

Having Clause

  • Having clause is used to filter records base on sum specific condition.
  • It is similar to a where
  • The main different between where clause and having clause is that where clause filter records on individual row while having clause filter records on the group.
  • Having clause can be use only with the group by clause.


SELECT <column_list> grouping_function FROM <table_name>
[ORDER BY <column name> ORDER] GROUP BY <column name>
[HAVING <condition>];


SELECT city count (city) FROM student GROUP BY city HAVING count (city)>=5;
  • The above command will display only group of those cities that have at list 5 or more records available.