• Destructor is a special member function of a class, which is used to destroy the object.
  • Like a constructor, it has same name as of class name, but it is preceded by tilde (~) sign.
  • A destructor has no argument. Also it doesn’t return any value.
  • In dynamic constructor ‘new’ is used to allocate the memory.
  • Similarly we can use ‘delete’ to free the memory in destructor.
  • In short destructor is used to carry out all the clean up activities at the end of program.
  • For example we can create the destructor to delete the memory allocated in matrix.
~matrix( )
  for(int i = 0 ; i < r; i++)
    delete p[i];
  delete p;
    • The following is an example showing the use of destructor:
/* Program to demonstrate the use of destructor. */

#include "iostream.h"
#include "conio.h"

class destructor
   int objno;
   public :   // Constructor to create an object
      cout << "Object is created\n"; 
      cout << "Enter your object number : ";
      cin >> objno;
   // Destructor to destroy an object 
     cout << "Object is deleted\n";
     cout << "Object number = " << objno << endl;
};          // Class ends

void main()
  cout << "Main program starts\n";
  destructor d1, d2;
    cout << "Inside block-1\n";
    destructor d3;

    cout << "Inside block-2\n";
    destructor d4;
  cout << "Exit main program\n";