• We can overload the binary operator just like the unary operators either using member function or friend function.

Overloading Binary Operator Using Member Function

  • If we are using member function for overloading binary operator then we have to pass only one argument to the operator function.
  • Consider the example given below of class ‘Box’ in which we are overloading operator ‘+’ to add the two objects of ‘Box’ class and create a new object which has sum of height and width of both previously created objects.
/* Program to overload binary operator + using member function */

#include "iostream.h"
#include "conio.h"

class Box
   double width;
   double height;
   public :
        Box() ;  // default constructor
        Box(double,double) ; // constructor with parameter  
	Box operator +(Box);  // Overloading + operator
        void show() ;

Box :: Box ()
    width = height = 0.0 ;

Box :: Box (double w, double h)
    width = w ;
    height = h ;
// Operator function definition
Box Box :: operator +(Box b)
   Box tmp;   // create temporary object
   tmp.height = height + b.height;
   tmp.width  =  width + b.width;

void Box :: show ()
   cout<<"Width : "<<width <<endl ;
   cout<<"Height : "<<height <<endl ;
void main()
   Box b1,b2,b3;

   b1 = Box(10,20) ;
   b2 = Box(10,20) ;

   b1.show() ;  // show object 1
   b2.show() ; // show object 2

  // Call operator overload function + (This method is called by the object r1)
   b3 = b1 + b2;  // implicit call  
   b3.show();    // show object 3 after addition of both objects 
  • In above example we have overloaded ‘+’ operator using member function.
  • We have to keep in mind the following points for the above example:
  1. An Operator function ‘operator +’ has one argument of type object of class ‘Box’.
  2. An Operator function returns the object of type ‘Box’.
  3. It is a member function of class ‘Box’.
  • We have called the operator function by using the following statement:
b3 = b1 + b2;
  • Here object ‘b1’ calls the function ‘operator +’ and object ‘b2’  is passed as argument.
  • The operator function returns the object and assigned to object ‘b3’.
b3 = b2 + b1 ;
  • In above statement, object ‘b2’ calls the function ‘operator +’ and object ‘b1’  is passed as argument.
  • In short, in operator overloading,  left operator takes the responsibility to invoke the operator function and right operator is passed as an argument.
  • We can also call the operator function by the following way.
b3 = b1.opeator + (b2); //calling like normal function. Explicit call 
  • The following is a graphical representation of what happens when operator overloading function is invoked.

Binary Operator Overloading

Overloading Binary Operator Using Friend Function

  • If we are using friend function to overload binary operator, we have to pass two arguments to operator function.
  • Consider the previous example of class ‘Box’ in which we are overloading operator ‘+’ to add the two objects of ‘Box’ class and create a new object which has sum of height and width of both previously created objects.
  • The same can be achieved for overloading binary operator “+” using friend function as below:
// Program to overload binary operator + using friend function 

#include "iostream.h"
#include "conio.h"

class Box
   double width;
   double height;
   public :
        Box() ;  // default constructor
        Box(double,double) ; // constructor with parameter  
	friend Box operator +(Box, Box);  // Overloading + operator
        void show() ;

Box :: Box ()
    width = height = 0.0 ;

Box :: Box (double w, double h)
    width = w ;
    height = h ;
// Operator function definition
Box operator +(Box b1, Box b2)
   Box tmp;   // create temporary object
   tmp.height = b1.height + b2.height;
   tmp.width  =  b1.width + b2.width;

void Box :: show ()
   cout<<"Width : "<<width <<endl ;
   cout<<"Height : "<<height <<endl ;
void main()
   Box b1,b2,b3;

   b1 = Box(10,20) ;
   b2 = Box(10,20) ;

   b1.show() ;  // show object 1
   b2.show() ; // show object 2

  // Call operator overload function + (This method is called by the object r1)
   b3 = b1 + b2;  // implicit call  
   b3.show();    // show object 3 after addition of both objects 
  • In above example we have overloaded ‘+’ operator using friend function.
  • We have to keep in mind the following points for the above example:
  1. An Operator function ‘operator +’ has two arguments of type object of class ‘Box’.
  2. An Operator function returns the object of type ‘Box’.
  3. It is a friend function.
  • We can call the operator function using the following statement:
b3 = b1 + b2;  // implicit call using expression syntax
  • Here we are implicitly calling operator function and passing two objects of class ‘Box’ as arguments. The operator function returns the object and assigned to object ‘b3’.
  • We can also call the operator function explicitly by the following way.
b3 = operator + (b1, b2); // explicit call using normal function call