Hello friends if you are new to the wordpress, this introductory post will help you to get a good idea about what actually a wordpress is. If you are already familiar with it feel free to skip this post and jump to the next post.
What is WordPress?
In simple term, a wordpress is a CMS based tool or platform that allows you to build full functioning website with ease. CMS stands for Content Management System. It provides drag & drop easy to use user friendly environment to develop a website or blog.
If you are not a computer guy or have no any knowledge about programming, it doesn’t matter. wordpress makes your life easy because to work with the wordpress you actually don’t need to have programming knowledge at all. It offers lots of features and functionality to look and feel your website more powerful.
You can fully customize your website according to your requirement with a little or no coding at all. It makes websites development process much easy and fast.
Installing WordPress:
So after a quick overview of the wordpress, it’s good to go inside the worpdress.
To work with the wordpress we will require the following to software packages:
1. Wamp server
2. WordPress
Wamp Server:
To develop and test website we need one server. We can either use wamp or xamp server for the same purpose. No matter which of these you use, both offer same working mechanism. If you don’t have one, you can download wamp from its official website. Select either 32bit or 64bit version depending on your machine.
After downloading click on the setup file and follow the steps to install it. After successful installation we need to test if server is running properly. To check the wamp server click on the wamp taskbar icon and select start all services.
If services are started successfully, wamp icon will turn to green.
Now open browser and type http://localhost in to the address bar or click on the wamp icon located on taskbar and select localhost.
If everything is OK, it will show home page of the wamp server as shown below.
Another package that we require is the WordPress itself. Got to its official website wordpress.org to download WordPress.
After successful download, extract the files and create a new folder and rename by some meaningful name such as WordPress or your site name under the directory of www of the wamp server installation directory. Now copy all files in to that folder inside www directory of the wamp or xamp. Usually it might look like C:\wamp\www\wordpress\ where wordpress is the name of our newly created folder. It might differ if you have given different name. And that’s it. Now we are ready to go!