• When we have multiple options available or we need to take multiple decisions based on available condition, we can use another form of if statement called else…if ladder.
  • In else…if ladder each else is associated with another if statement.
  • Evaluation of condition starts from top to down.
  • If condition becomes true then the associated block with if statement is executed and rest of conditions are skipped.
  • If the condition becomes false then it will check for next condition in a sequential manner.
  • It repeats until all conditions are cheeked or a true condition is found.
  • If all condition available in else…if ladder evaluated to false then default else block will be executed.
  • It has the following syntax:


if (condition 1)
  // block 1
else if (codition 2)
  // block 2
else if(codition 3)
   // block 3
    // default block

Else If Ladder

  • else…if ladder provides multi way decision making when any one alternative is to be select among the available option.
  • The following block demonstrates the use of else if ladder.
void main()
   int x, y, z, ch;

   printf("\nEnter your choice :");
   scanf("%d",  &ch);
   printf("\nEnter X and Y :");
   scanf("%d %d", &x, &y);
   if (ch == 1)
      z = x + y;
   else if (ch == 2)
      z = x - y;
   else if(ch == 3)
      z = x * y; 
   else if(c == 4)
    z = x/y ;
    printf("\n Invalid choice! Please try again!");
   printf("\n Answer is %.2f", z);