- “Algorithm” word is derived from the Persian mathematician Abu zafaribne Muhammad musaal-khwarismi, who introduce the concept of algorithm.
- He introduced a sequential format for the instruction to perform a specific task.
- This concept to solve a problem was given a name Al-khwarism.
- By the time it was known as algorithm.
- In simple term “An algorithm is a sequential set of instruction to perform a specific task”.
- An algorithm is a sequential set of instructions that accepts some input and process them to produce some kind of output in a finite number of steps.
Steps of algorithm:
- Each algorithm has the following components.
- Input
- Process
- Output
Characteristics of Algorithm:
[1] Input:
- Each algorithm accepts some input from the outer world.
- Input is required to perform the operation.
- It should receive at least a single input.
[2] Output:
- An algorithm must generate at-least a single output after the completion of process.
- Output may be in a different format such as report, massage notification etc.
[3] Finiteness:
- An algorithm must complete specified task in a finite number of steps.
- After completing algorithm steps, It should produce some output.
- Steps of algorithm should not be infinite.
[4] Definiteness:
- Steps of algorithm should be clear.
- It should not contain any ambiguity.
[5] Effectiveness:
- An algorithm should be effective in a solving a particular problem.
It should perform the solution effectively in terms of time, space and accuracy.