In my previous post I had explained how “Class Type to Basic Conversion” can be done using both constructor and special casting operator function. In this post I will show you howRead More…
Class Type to Basic Conversion
My previous post was dedicated for “Basic to Class Type” conversion. If you haven’t read yet, I strongly recommend you to read that first before proceeding to this post. In this post,Read More…
Basic to Class Type Conversion
In the previous post we had seen about the basic concept of type conversion. In this post I will show you how type conversion can be achieved. First we will deal withRead More…
Type Conversion
In this and the following posts I am going to show you one another nice feature provided by the C++ programming language called “Type Conversion”. In C programming language, when different typesRead More…
Overloading Operators For String
In my post “Overloading Binary Operator” I had showed you that how binary operators such as “+”, “-“,”*” can be overloaded. We had overloaded “+” operator for addition of two objects. WeRead More…